Wednesday, July 13, 2011

I am not a swimmer...

So today, I go with the wonder one up to Alum Creek to go *swim*. 

That is, HE swam, because he is in training for a triathalon (a mind boggling sport of swimming, biking and THAT order), I went along with him to splash around, figuring that I would add the splashing around (all 10 minutes of it) to my new-found life of good nutrition and exercise.

While he swam the "Creek" as we call it, I watched with amazement some guys doing what I later found out to be power kiting.  I'm hooked.  I first want to learn how to swim.  Then I want to learn how to do THIS!

*Back story...

I never learned to swim because when I was 5 I very nearly drowned and for whatever the reason, in their infinite wisdom the barnacle and my da  thought it best for me not to learn how to swim.  WHY, I don't know.  Go figure.  So here I am 40 years later, now wanting to learn, VERY badly.


  1. I think that you should learn to swim! I think it's important for us to always try new things and confront the things that make us feel uneasy.

  2. I agree TOTALLY! Not to mention the fact that I have steadfastly reFUSED to go on cruises for vacations because I'm uncomfortable with the thought of not being able to reach land if I needed to.

    So this is one thing I can add to my skill set. Scary thing is me in a swimsuit! lol
